The Art of Fused Glass by Jeanine Ackerman Smith

 I love working with glass.   The glass is fused in a kiln.  I have been working with glass since 2000.  My work has been shown in galleries around Michigan.  It has been published in The Flow, a glass quarterly publication. 

 Riverbowl, fused bowl with cast glass leaves and rocks.  $250.00  18" in diameter   Blue and orange floral vase, 2008, sold. 

Below is "The Dude", fused with added beads, $400.00, this piece is sculptural in a relief format.  It stands 14" high and is 20" wide with the black metal stand.  Sunflower tray, $100.00.  12"x12"

 First Frost, fused glass and cast glass, $250.00



Lichen, $100.00, wood and glass 

I do glass mosaics on found objects.  I used an old guitar, a glass head found at Pier I and cast the torso from a bathing suit form in plaster.  The objects are then covered with small pieces of glass, some fused to add layers and depth,  some just a single layer.  Guitar, $400.00,  Torso, At the Beach, $500.00,  Disco Head,  $400.00.

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ja smith

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